Monday, December 26, 2016

10 Sewing Notions You Need to Know About: Patchwork Pins (Fine)

It's time for 10 Sewing Notions You Need to Know About! Previously, I introduced you to the Iron Shine Cleaning Pen and the Hot Ruler. Today's notion is a must-have basic, Clover Patchwork Pins (Fine). When I started quilting, I fell prey to the deception of generic "quilting pins". I assumed these pins, given their name, would be the most suitable for my new hobby. I didn't realize the thick shafts were shifting my fabric as I pinned, the plastic yellow heads would melt if they came into contact with my iron, and their bulky size created a greater likelihood of being hit by my needle and cause my machine to need servicing. 
Clover Patchwork Pins (Fine) can be ironed over without damage, due to a melt-proof glass head. The extra fine shaft (.04 mm) passes through fabric without leaving holes or distorting the alignment of the fabric layers. They are the perfect length (36 mm) and come in a closable plastic case. They can be used for piecing or appliqué.
If you were very perceptive when reading my post about making an 18" doll pillowcase dress, you might have noticed a sneak peek.
More recently, I've been working on some Disappearing 9 Patch holiday blocks in batiks fabrics. I wouldn't call my fabric selections modern, even though batiks are emerging within the aesthetic (Alison Glass Handcrafted and Hoffman Indah Batiks), but I love the festive patterns and saturated hues all the same.
If you want to make your own blocks, here's a brief run-down. Cut two 7" width-of-fabric strips. Sew together the long sides, right-sides-together with a 1/4" seam. Press toward the dark. Crosscut into 7" sections.
Use two sections to make a four-patch. Press. Cut 1 3/4" on from each side of both vertical and horizontal seams. 
Flip each outer-middle piece 180 degrees so that the same colors do not touch. Sew together in this formation.
Square blocks up to be 12 1/2" unfinished.
If you're really on a disappearing block kick, here are a few resources I've gathered:
Disappearing Quilt Blocks
Disappearing 4 Patch
Disappearing 9 Patch
Disappearing Hourglass
Disappearing Hourglass 2
Disappearing Pinwheel
Disappearing Pinwheel 2
Disappearing Pinwheel 3 & 4
Disappearing Pinwheel 5
Thanks for joining me. Have you tried Clover Patchwork Pins? What about disappearing blocks?
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  1. I love the fine pins, but word of caution: don't use them on your design wall. They are so fine, the bend easily. So I use the big, fat "quilting pins" on the wall. And I'm currently making the Disappearing Hourglass method for a quilt currently in progress. Easy to make, but it looks complicated!

  2. Those pins are the best! I have to say, I only started using them a year ago! Late to the party on pins! I've made exactly 2 disappearing 9 patch blocks! I enjoyed those two, maybe I better revisit!

  3. I agree, those pins are the best. I started with the pins with the big plastic flower heads on them and my accuracy has greatly improved using these much thinner pins.

  4. When I decided to learn to quilt about 5 years ago, I took a My First Quilt Class at my LQS. She required the Clover Extra Fine Pins as part of her supply list. Those are wonderful. I've not tried the "fine". Enjoying the series.
