My menagerie has a new addition, Mr. Hippo. (Clever and original name, right?) He was designed by Juliet at The Tartankiwi, and will be released shortly.

Why did I need a hippo? If you remember Mr.Elephant, you might realize that he's been a little lonely pinned up to the wall, all by his lonesome, ever since October. I hope that if he has a friend, others might join him, and someday there may be a whole zoo of animals pieced together into a quilt.
I used the same batiks to bring some continuity to the two. Yes, I realize batiks aren't viewed as the most modern material, but they are pretty, and I got a little bit carried away at an inventory reduction sale so it's time to consume.
Unrelated to my growing animal population, I've sent away one Super-Sized Scrappy Tiles Block. At 24" square, it's a big one! Cheryl Brickey of Meadow Mist Designs asked for a scrappy, monochromatic look in her favorite color, blue.
I've received my quilt top back from the Modern Quilting Facebook Group Round Robin. I love all the fun details everyone added.
I'll be back soon with some insights from Quilt Con, so don't be a stranger!
I'm linking up with: