Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Though to be fair, Jessica Inman took this beautiful family photo. When I take pictures of the kids, it looks more like this.
And then this happened. Silence is not golden; it's a golden opportunity to give yourself an edgy David Bowie hair-do.
Except it was a little too edgy for Mom, so we went to Shear Madness where the hairdresser said, "Wow!"and evened things out a bit.
My little lady has an independent streak a mile wide and certainly knows her own mind. She loves her new do and said to me following her new crop, as she pinched a tuft of hair between two fingers, "I could cut more!" "Um, no, honey. I think we've cut enough for now." I'd better part ways, as I prepare for a day of making memories, excessive cookie eating, and an abundance of toys that are almost as exciting as their packaging.
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  1. Merry Christmas! Looks like your little lady and Renee's have quite a bit in common. <3

  2. Merry christmas! Love her new unintentional pixie cut :)

  3. Looks like she'll be into your rotary cutter in no time--what a great post--Merry Christmas!!

  4. I might have done that once myself! Beautiful family photo!

  5. Beautiful Christmas photos, and thank goodness you had them made before the "new"do!! And I'm sure Mommy will be hiding the scissors VERY high up!!! :-) The hairdresser did a great job on the rescue!! Hope you had a great Christmas! Hugs, H

  6. Your children are gorgeous! I've got to say....none of my 6 kids ever cut their hair. I think I would have cried if my daughter had of. She was my only girl after 5 boys and had long blonde hair by the time she was 3 ; )
    Happy new year!
