Some of my favorite artists design for Free Spirit. Brilliant minds like Tula Pink make sure my fabric shelves stay well-stocked with a rainbow of lovelies. The Fandango quilt, quilted by Angela Walters, really drew me in.
I could just stare at Tula's booth featuring her new Slow & Steady line all day!
You might remember this quilt from my post about Angela Walter's visit to the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild.
These over-sized blooms were just spectacular!
Amy Butler did not disappoint with an exotic and vibrant booth.
Anna Maria's daughter, Juliana Horner, has joined Free Spirit, and introduced the world to rainbows, technicolor faces, and arms in her Fast Friends collection.
Denise Schmidt has Stonington coming out in August.
Free Spirit and Westminster have such a varied assortment of fabrics, but they are quite fantastic. Do you have any favorites?

That was one of my favorite booths at Market, with the giant flowers, the artful displays and the brilliant quilts of some of the best artists at using large-scale prints. Nice recap!